As human beings, we are all born with innate intelligence. We don’t have to tell our cells to divide, our tissues to grow, or our organ systems to develop and help keep us alive. These processes occur naturally because we are equipped with a divine intelligence that acts as a facilitator for our growth and development as well as a healer when we sustain injuries. This innate intelligence that our bodies carry enables us to be radically resilient to stressors that we endure throughout our lifetimes. Think of the last time you got a cut and it healed.. innate intelligence intervened. Think of the last time you were sick and your body spiked a fever to clear out unwanted pathogens… innate intelligence intervened… think of the last time you broke a bone or strained a muscle and it got better… again innate intelligence to the rescue. Clearly we possess an incredible amount of wisdom within, now the question is how do we consciously connect to our innate intelligence so that we can unlock our utmost potential to heal, love, and serve ourselves and others.
Take a couple minutes before bed and lie down somewhere comfortable. Close your eyes and begin to scan your body from head to toe. Notice any sensations as you guide your awareness to different regions of your body. If you sense tightness or restrictions anywhere see if you can invite your breath and awareness into that space while imagining the release of any stuck/stagnant energy. You can also visualize a colorful light, maybe white, green, or blue, that courses through your body removing anything that no longer serves you. This is a powerful exercise that you can use to connect to your innate intelligence and intuition as certain thoughts, ideas or insights may come to you during this practice. The most important thing is that you are open to listening to the messages your body is trying to convey to you. The body is so intelligent that it gives us signs and symptoms when things are not working well. If we do not heed its warnings, this may turn into dis-ease as the message gets louder. However, if you check in with yourself on a regular basis through body scans, meditation, journaling, etc.; then you will truly become attuned to the wisdom within and effectively raise your vibrations!
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