The need to belong is one of the essential needs for all human beings. You know that feeling when you’re with a group of friends or family members and everyone is vibing and you feel safe, secure, and happy? This is a simple example of the visceral feelings you get when you are with your people and are genuinely enjoying the company, camaraderie, and deep, fulfilling conversations that often ensue. Obviously, your family and bloodline form the foundation of your tribe. When we are born, much of what we learn about the world and how things work is garnered by what our parents teach us, but also what we observe about human interactions through our innocent child-like lenses. Inevitably, we will take on some of our parents’ and peers’ own views, beliefs, and biases as we grow up which will, in part, influence the kind of people we choose to surround ourselves with. Now, once we start to do some deep identity digging (for most of us this occurs during adolescence) we can begin to understand who we truly are at our core by pondering the mysterious questions of life like, who am I? Why am I here? What do I want to manifest? After doing some soul searching and becoming clear with who YOU are, beyond any labels you may have been given by others or projections and pressures put on you by your parents; then you can mindfully choose who you want to be surrounded by, thus expanding your tribe.
You see, once you feel strong and solid in your authentic self, it becomes easier to attract people that are vibrating at the same frequency. For instance, if you are operating from ego frequency the majority of the time which is characterized by things like fear, judgement, and scarcity; at a subconscious level you will attract people that have that same mindset since they are vibrating at a similar level. Remember, everything is energy and energy is everything. The law of attraction teaches us that “like” attracts “like.” Therefore, if we want to attract positive, loving, generous, and joyful people into our lives and expand our tribe, we must first expand these attributes within ourselves. Our outer reality is a reflection of our inner state of being. So, in essence, if you want to build your tribe up with honest, peaceful, strong, loving people; you need to start working on building these qualities up within yourself through various practices such as mirror work, affirmations journaling, meditation, yoga, prayer, etc. Then you will become more open and receptive to meeting people that can quite literally help change your life in amazing ways by offering new perspectives, ideas, and insights; and most importantly bask in the love that serves as the fuel for your growing high vibe tribe!
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